Neuromuscular Reeducation

Neuromuscular reeducation

Neuromuscular Reeducation is one of the specialties and hallmarks of the physical therapists at 810 MS Specialty Center. The cause of MS is unknown but it is believed to be a disorder of the immune system.  Essentially your immune system attacks the fatty tissue of the central nervous system.  It is true, at least right now, that damage to the central nervous system is unrepairable.  But through neuromuscular reeducation, it is possible to “UNMASK” or “OPEN-UP” different pathways in the central nervous system.  This can have profound effect on the motor pathways involved in coordination, walking and everyday movement.

Neuromuscular reeducation can have immediate impact on your balance and reaction timing. If your reaction timing has improved and you lose your balance, you may be able to catch yourself and regain your center of gravity independently.  Improving reaction timing is something that occurs often with our patients.  This indicates to our specialists, that your plan of care is effective and moving in the right direction.  Balance issues and falls are common among those with MS.  Developing a plan that focuses on neuromuscular reeducation can have a profound effect on your balance.  More importantly it can stop those small or big falls from happening.  This will avoid what we call a major negative event, such as a fracture or hospitalization. Qualitative deficits in your gait pattern such as catching your toe, swinging your leg from the side or crossing your feet are common for those with MS. Neuromuscular reeducation techniques combined with compensatory strategies can have significant benefit on reversing and/or improving these impairments.

Our physical therapists will provide you with:

  • Education on what neuromuscular reeducation is and how it can benefit you.
  • A top to bottom assessment of your reaction timing, ability to regain your center of gravity and an overall prognosis of potential gains from these techniques.
  • Training to improve the quality of your gait pattern as well as your ability to catch yourself when a loss of balance does occurs.
  • Exercises that are tailored specifically to your needs in an effort to improve, in theory, motor reaction timing as well as the velocity that motor signals move down your spinal cord tracks.

For more information on our neuromuscular reeducation services please contact us at or