Hand Therapy

Hand therapy

Hand therapy may be needed to assist you with dexterity issues as a result of your MS.  Often times those with MS may experience fine motor deficits making day-to-day activities a challenge.  Picking up a glass, making a pot of coffee or writing may become more difficult over time.  At 810 MS Specialty Center, our experienced therapists understand the importance of your hands and the relevance they play in your life.  Your hands connect you to the world around you.  Our goal is to reverse decline and improve your dexterity as well improve efficiency in performing these activities.  These interventions will help to improve your fine motor function.

At MS Specialty Center, our therapists can offer:

  • Accurate assessments of your hand coordination and dexterity
  • Effective treatment to improve fine motor abilities thus allowing greater efficiency with day-to-day tasks.
  • Fine motor training to help improve and preserve the dexterity throughout both hands.
  • Gross motor treatment to help you improve strength in the larger muscles throughout your lower and upper arms.

For more information on our hand therapy services please contact us at info@810msspecialtycenter.com